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Tagged as: Mental Health


What is self-harm? Self-harm is a phenomena where someone will intentionally cause bodily harm to themselves. This is usually in a bid to deal with difficult feelings.Most people who self –harm do it as a way to express feelings that they can’t exactly explain. It is a physical manifestation of

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Inclusive Mental Health Services.

The Essentially of Tailoring Mental Health Support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Mental health issues and disorders have become more of a global concern currently as compared to times before. While mental health discourses in respect of access to services are still ongoing, there is extremely limited

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Mental Health Digest 2025.

A collection of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Organizations and Mindfulness activity centers in Uganda. This includes their names, location, prices and contact details for easy reach. Full details and information are in the link below to download the document. We hope the above information will be of help in line with Mental

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Mental Health Stigma: Why Awareness Needs Real Action.

Some one once asked me whether I face mental health stigma after all the advocacy I have done. I wish the more we talked about mental illness the numbers would automatically drop. Yes, we see more “Be kind you never know what someone is going through” or “Mental health is

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Understanding Mental Illness vs. Mental Health Issues.

Whenever I’m invited to speak about mental health, one question comes up almost every time: What is the difference between mental illness and a mental health issue? The terms “mental illness” and “mental health issue” are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to different experiences and conditions. Understanding these

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A digital detox is a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such assmart-phones, computers, and social media platforms. Motivations to start a digital detox include;Concern about developing addictive behavior that some identify as an Internet addiction disorder.Aiming to reduce stress and anxiety caused by

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Understanding the Layers of Self-Harm.

Self-harm is a multifaceted phenomenon that extends beyond the visible scars and wounds. It encompasses a wide spectrum of behaviors, both physical and non-physical, all rooted in the desperate pursuit of relief from overwhelming emotions and distress. To truly understand and address this complex issue, it’s essential to explore the

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Does your food truly affect your mood? If so, can a better diet aid in improving mental wellness? And what foods are essential to your mental health? Yes, although complex there is a direct link between what we eat and how we feel. Historically, mental health conditions have been treated

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