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Tagged as: Mental Wellness


What is self-harm? Self-harm is a phenomena where someone will intentionally cause bodily harm to themselves. This is usually in a bid to deal with difficult feelings.Most people who self –harm do it as a way to express feelings that they can’t exactly explain. It is a physical manifestation of

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Mental Health Digest 2025.

A collection of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Organizations and Mindfulness activity centers in Uganda. This includes their names, location, prices and contact details for easy reach. Full details and information are in the link below to download the document. We hope the above information will be of help in line with Mental

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Mental Health Stigma: Why Awareness Needs Real Action.

Some one once asked me whether I face mental health stigma after all the advocacy I have done. I wish the more we talked about mental illness the numbers would automatically drop. Yes, we see more “Be kind you never know what someone is going through” or “Mental health is

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